i installed a new MINIX NEO U9-H with Xibo_for_Android_v2_R204.apk and the Client give status to the connected CMS Server. I see the Screen in my “Xibo Digital signage” (Vers. 2.1.0) and i make the settings and send the default layout BUT nothing on the TV-Screen.
What can I checked to get a layout on the screen ?
Your player is missing some required dependencies - it looks like only 52/53 files have been downloaded.
I’d suggest looking in the CMS at the manage page to see which file it is - if it looks like a system file you could go to Modules -> Verify Module Files (button top right).
I already did that.
We connected the Xibo player via WLAN. I see it in the XIBO administration program, I have registered and authorized it.
Only when I assign a lauout do I not see anything, only black with the XIBO logo.
Unfortunately, it does not work on the new player on other players, including Android.
Could it be that certain ports still have to be released in the WLAN?
I tried to delete the registration and the Screen of the Xibo-Management, than I register the Player/Screen new on the CMS, but I see no Layout. Only a black screen with Xibo Logo.
We also tried it on LAN but nothing.