Android 1.7 version CMS 3.3.2 version

Hi I am using Android 1.7 version player with CMS 1.6.1 version.

I am testing CMS 3.3.2 version with licensed android 1.7 version.

It is working now but I worried about it will stop.

Do you have any idea for that?

Hi Kangsoo_Lee, welcome to the community!

Version 1.7 players have been end of life for a long time now and so have not been tested with version 3 CMS releases. A lot of new features and functionality have been added since 1.7, meaning a lot of the functionality in your 3.3.2 CMS simply will not work with the 1.7 players. Whether this will cause crashes or other performance issues is unknown.

I would recommend upgrading to version 3 so that you can take full advantage of your CMS and the options it has to offer.

Many Thanks.

At the my Perpetual license table, what does it mean the upgrades?

Upgrades are used to convert your licenses to newer versions. It takes one upgrade to convert a license to the next major release up. For example, it would take an upgrade to convert a 1.7 license to 1.8. Another upgrade would convert the 1.8 license to version 2. Also the same is true for version 2, it would take one upgrade to convert it to version 3. That means it would take 3 upgrades to convert a 1.7 license to version 3.

I hope that helps to understand upgrades.

Many Thanks.

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