Have any had luck with adding a new protocol for handling the vnc:// to launch a vnc veiwer in windows?
http:// would launch defualt browser
ftp:// ect ect
Have any had luck with adding a new protocol for handling the vnc:// to launch a vnc veiwer in windows?
http:// would launch defualt browser
ftp:// ect ect
OK figured it out me thinks:
Install TightVNC Veiwer
add this to registry.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@=â"URL:VNC Remote Sessionâ
âURL Protocolâ=â""â
@=â"C:\Program Files\TightVNC\tvnviewer.exe"â
Ok, new update, install tightvnc veiwer. And save files bellow according to the paths in the related files. Edit if nessicary
save as .js
var destination=(WScript.Arguments(0))
var search=âvnc://â
//Modify the path to VNC Viewer!
var vncexe=âC:\Program Files\TightVNC\tvnviewer.exeâ
destination=destination.replace(search, ââ)
destination=destination.replace(â/â, ââ)
var ws = new ActiveXObject(âWScript.Shellâ)
//WScript.Echo(vncexe + " " + destination)
ws.Exec(vncexe + " " + destination)
save as .reg
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@=âURL:VNC Connectionâ
âURL Protocolâ=""
@=âwscript.exe C:\WINDOWS\vnc.js %1â