1.8 Beta Upgrade Test

Dan, good night.

You had the opportunity to confirm the problem?

Good evening to you too - I am sorry but I cannot reproduce the problem (I am actually not sure what the problem is). Weā€™ve got your exact feed configured here on multiple test machines and it downloads and displays no-problem.

Weā€™ve also looked at your log and can see the image is being downloaded. There are also no recorded errors.

Perhaps a screen shot of the issue would help us?


DAN, the content is being downloaded from the CMS. It just does not appear in Layout Editor and Player.

LAERCIO, in all our tests the content is being downloaded correctly by the CMS and shown in the Layout Designer and in the Player.

Are you sure you have your ā€œfile transfer modeā€ set correctly - Off, Apache or Nginx, and if set to either Apache or Nginx you have configured sendfile for that webserver?

Hello DAN and Peter.

Iā€™m focusing on performing the tests to help with the maturity of version 1.8.
I installed a version 1.7.9 and upgraded to 1.8.0RC3.

No upgrade identifiquei o problema jĆ” reportado no tĆ³pico para os datasets:

STEP 61 - Convert existing DataSets
SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column ā€˜Dayā€™ in 'where clauseā€™
SELECT datasetcolumn:
I understand the item 61, all dataset columns that are listContent comma are giving error.

I still have trouble displaying images through the Ticker on Layout Designer and Players

File troubleshoot.zip: https://www.wetransfer.com/downloads/fb9fd7c8afa1b42b4e511d591192ff4f20170305002542/f7c57f2c32c9c3b6df5c294ff262018820170305002542/58ccd8

Sample Problem Layout: https://www.wetransfer.com/downloads/4d10a009d8e4fa61f976fa16840d9aab20170305002419/0253a9bcc1fe063e5b084ec81455eb2120170305002419/c47551

Iā€™m afraid the same reply is still true - I canā€™t find itā€¦ iā€™ve upgraded a installation with DataSetā€™s that have comma separated content on a test system and it works. Iā€™ve also upgraded an installation with Day as a heading.

The SQL statement youā€™ve pasted simply doesnā€™t exist, so I have no ideas.

We will take a look on your test system and work this out.

Image issue:

Dan, I applied this change in code, using this code (https://github.com/xibosignage/xibo/issues/1062)
This in the test environment
Unfortunately it did not work ā€¦

I suspect your feed is cached - try changing an option, for example the number of items to force the cache to invalidate.

It is only necessary to reply in one place please, otherwise we get confused :slight_smile:

Hello Dan,

Unfortunately it did not work, I changed the processing, in order to update the cache.
I am testing in the environment that I sent the access data.

I get

Unable to save:15805

When iā€™m looking at your CMS, which is rather strange. It is parsing the image URL out of the RSS feed and downloading it into your library temp folder, but then it cannot move it.

Can you confirm that there are files in the library temp folder?

Hello DAN

The server where I use my production CMS (1.7.9) is the same server I use
for CMS 1.8 RC3.
Same PHP settings and permissions on directories.

In the temp folder there are several PHPXXX.TMP, but no image.

Remember that on the same server using CMS 1.7.9 RSS with images work

I hope this information is helpful.

Laercio Junior
Cel./Pessoal: (21) 99162-7440
Email Pessoal: laercionit@gmail.com
MSN: laercionit@hotmail.com
Skype: laercionit

Iā€™ve applied the patch onto some of our other test servers (I was running the tests locally to start with) and I can confirm that it works successfully on those environments too.

All I can suggest at this stage is that you add some logging here: https://github.com/dasgarner/xibo-cms/blob/bugfix/1.8.0-pack1/lib/Entity/Media.php#L767

Perhaps removing the @ before the rename to see why that is failing? As far as I can see from the logs the parameters that get passed in there are correct.

Hello DAN,

The ticker data is being saved perfectly in Library / TEMP
The problem is a part of the move to the root of the library.

CMS 1.7.9:

// Now move the file
            if (!@rename($libraryFolder . 'temp/' . $fileId, $libraryFolder . $mediaId . '.' . $extension))
                $this->ThrowError(15, 'Error storing file.');

CMS 1.8.0:

                // Move the file into the library
                if (!@rename($libraryFolder . 'temp/' . $this->fileName, $libraryFolder . $saveName))
                    throw new ConfigurationException(__('Problem moving uploaded file into the Library Folder'));

Unfortunately I could not identify the problem. It is downloading perfectly to TEMP folder the Tickers.

When I upload image and video it is also falling perfectly into the library folder.

Unfortunately the MOVING error occurs only when items are processed in TEMP.

Perhaps you could add some logging to see exactly what the paths are - and then see why they donā€™t match up with the files you have in temp?

// Move the file into the library
if (!rename($libraryFolder . 'temp/' . $this->fileName, $libraryFolder . $saveName)) {
    $this->getLog()->error('Moving from: ' . $libraryFolder . 'temp/' . $this->fileName);
    $this->getLog()->error('Moving to: ' . $libraryFolder . $saveName);
    throw new ConfigurationException(__('Problem moving uploaded file into the Library Folder'));

This will tell us some more information about why the file cannot be moved. I am not sure why it would work here and not for you - you would expect the same logic in both cases, so that is very strange.

Movin From errorā€¦
Path Invalid

Something doesnā€™t match up iā€™m afraid - can you send me your lib/Entity/Media.php file so I can see what is inside?

The line number I mentioned to add the logging, shouldnā€™t be using $this->fileName and should be using $this->name, exactly as it appears in the repository.

What youā€™re seeing is a bug we fixed in rc1 - so iā€™m very confused.

Hello Dan,

Follows the requested file.
This file has the keywords you requested that were made for the tests.

As you have seen there are two parts to an IF statement which deal with different situations - in the second half (the else) as indicated via the source code link in my previous post, we have copied and pasted an incorrect piece of code.

// Move the file into the library
//if (!@rename($libraryFolder . 'temp/' . $this->name, $libraryFolder . $this->storedAs))
//    throw new ConfigurationException(__('Problem moving downloaded file into the Library Folder'));
if (!@rename($libraryFolder . 'temp/' . $this->fileName, $libraryFolder . $saveName)) {
	$this->getLog()->error('Moving from: ' . $libraryFolder . 'temp/' . $this->fileName);
	$this->getLog()->error('Moving to: ' . $libraryFolder . $saveName);
	throw new ConfigurationException(__('Problem moving uploaded file into the Library Folder'));

Please check the difference between the commented out:

//if (!@rename($libraryFolder . 'temp/' . $this->name, $libraryFolder . $this->storedAs))

and the replacement

if (!@rename($libraryFolder . 'temp/' . $this->fileName, $libraryFolder . $saveName)) {

The commented out statement is correct (and is the one in the repository).


Dan, remove any changes you request.
Download the RC3 Media file again.

Do not run, test, and access FTP server.
This in the test environment I created to analyze the 1.8