1.8 Beta PHP Error Log

I noticed these errors in the PHP log after upgrading to 1.8 Beta:

[21-Jul-2016 23:19:13 America/Los_Angeles] PHP Notice:  Undefined index: themeFolder in C:\{PATHTOXIBO}\lib\Service\ConfigService.php on line 269

[21-Jul-2016 23:19:13 America/Los_Angeles] PHP Notice:  Undefined index: themeFolder in C:\{PATHTOXIBO}\lib\Service\ConfigService.php on line 272

Also now when our CMS tries to talk to 1.8 Beta we get an error about oauth2-xibo-cms-master:

C:\{PATHTO_oauth2-xibo-cms-master}\vendor\guzzlehttp\guzzle\src\Middleware.php on line 74

UPDATE: Figured out the Middleware.php error was due to, I believe, a new settings on the applications section, that one must check. “All Access”. Once checked both Postman and our CMS started working again.

Correct - we’ve added that as an additional security measure with a view to eventually being able to access only certain parts of the system.

That is odd - you are right that is new code, but the theme folder should be configured when the theme is loaded initially. So perhaps we are looking for somewhere that is called before a theme is loaded. I’ll refactor that to make it a bit more intelligent.