I noticed these errors in the PHP log after upgrading to 1.8 Beta:
[21-Jul-2016 23:19:13 America/Los_Angeles] PHP Notice: Undefined index: themeFolder in C:\{PATHTOXIBO}\lib\Service\ConfigService.php on line 269
[21-Jul-2016 23:19:13 America/Los_Angeles] PHP Notice: Undefined index: themeFolder in C:\{PATHTOXIBO}\lib\Service\ConfigService.php on line 272
Also now when our CMS tries to talk to 1.8 Beta we get an error about oauth2-xibo-cms-master:
C:\{PATHTO_oauth2-xibo-cms-master}\vendor\guzzlehttp\guzzle\src\Middleware.php on line 74
UPDATE: Figured out the Middleware.php error was due to, I believe, a new settings on the applications section, that one must check. “All Access”. Once checked both Postman and our CMS started working again.