1.8 Alpha PHP Error Logs XMDS/SOAP

We see a ton of these errors in the PHP log:

[30-Oct-2015 10:53:47 America/Los_Angeles] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property of non-object in C:\wamp\www\xibo18alpha\lib\Xmds\Soap4.php on line 86

[30-Oct-2015 10:53:48 America/Los_Angeles] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property of non-object in C:\wamp\www\xibo18alpha\lib\Xmds\Soap.php on line 1089

[30-Oct-2015 10:53:49 America/Los_Angeles] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property of non-object in C:\wamp\www\xibo18alpha\lib\Xmds\Soap.php on line 1092

[30-Oct-2015 10:53:49 America/Los_Angeles] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property of non-object in C:\wamp\www\xibo18alpha\lib\Xmds\Soap.php on line 1095

Appears it has to do with Stats and displays (display).

It looks like something to do with the log writer - very odd…

I’m not completely certain what code you are running now as those lines don’t match exactly - one of the problems with running the latest development code :smiley:

Can you provide a code snip of each line so I can see what’s what?

Sure can.

if ($this->display->loggedIn == 0) {
if ($this->display->emailAlert == 1 && ($maintenanceEnabled == 'On' || $maintenanceEnabled == 'Protected')

It must be referring to $this->display which is odd indeed.


should be


The others are odd, im not sure what is happening at the moment - I will try to recreate

We started fresh again with the latest dev and the errors have now gone.

OK good… I am fixing things as you find them, or at the very least submitting bugs for them.

If you take the development release “fresh” it should always work, but if you try and update your existing install you should check the file install/database/120.sql (soon to be install/steps/120.json) for modifications to manually run on your database.