1.8.2-RC2 Problem with login (wrong URL) after autologout


I have a problem with autologout feature.

My installation is using alias in apache to redirect web traffic to proper folder. The alias is /prezentacje and it works well.
I had to modify .htaccess line to RewriteBase /prezentacje
On this address: http://servername/prezentacje/ I was able to install everything and system works fine except for the autologout.

The logout part works OK - after set amount of time I am logged out and redirected to login screen. But when I enter credentials I should be redirected to a webpage I was during logout but here is the problem - instead of being redirected to http://servername/prezentacje/ā€œpage I was earlierā€ I am redirected to http://servername/ā€œpage I was earlierā€. The /prezentacje alias is removed.
The login procedure is OK because the session is created. If at that moment I enter manually correct url the page will be displayed with the correct user logged in.
It seems that only the url of previous page is improperly sent to browser.
I am not sure if it is problem with cms or url rewrite in .htaccess file (I havenā€™t changed anything else in that file)

Any solutions to this problem?
Thank you!


When the system detects a session expiration, it will store the current route by calling a routine in the application framework we use (Slim2) - in the same way we generate other links around the application (and the same route that redirects you to the login page to begin with).

This will then be stored in a hidden field on the login page, called priorRoute. It sounds to me like this routine is detecting your URL incorrectly.

This is exactly what it does to determine that link:

// Server params
$scriptName = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; // <-- "/prezentacje/index.php"
$requestUri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; // <-- "/prezentacje/page?test=abc" or "/prezentacje/index.php/page?test=abc"
$queryString = isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) ? $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] : ''; // <-- "test=abc" or ""

// Physical path
if (strpos($requestUri, $scriptName) !== false) {
    $physicalPath = $scriptName; // <-- Without rewriting
} else {
    $physicalPath = str_replace('\\', '', dirname($scriptName)); // <-- With rewriting

$env['SCRIPT_NAME'] = rtrim($physicalPath, '/'); // <-- Remove trailing slashes

// Virtual path
$env['PATH_INFO'] = $requestUri;
if (substr($requestUri, 0, strlen($physicalPath)) == $physicalPath) {
    $env['PATH_INFO'] = substr($requestUri, strlen($physicalPath)); // <-- Remove physical path

$env['PATH_INFO'] = str_replace('?' . $queryString, '', $env['PATH_INFO']); // <-- Remove query string
$env['PATH_INFO'] = '/' . ltrim($env['PATH_INFO'], '/'); // <-- Ensure leading slash

$env['PATH_INFO'] is then what it uses for the link.

This can be found in /vendor/slim/slim/Slim/Environment.php L#147ā€¦ any chance you can add some logging to file here to see what is being resolved in each case?

I have added a simple
ECHO $env[ā€˜PATH_INFOā€™];
on L#149 and it shows that on any page leading /prezentacje is omitted. For example:

If I hover over any link in CMS the link is presented correctly (e.g. http://servername/prezentacje/layout/view) and everything works except the problem in question.

On any login page (also redirected form autologout) $env[ā€˜PATH_INFOā€™]; is: /login

I donā€™t know if it says anything new.
If this log is not enough please suggest what lines should I add to code.

Can you add logs for:

  • $scriptName
  • $requestUri
  • $queryString

Just below those 3 lines?


On the correct login page:
SCRIPT_NAME: /prezentacje/index.php
requestUri: /prezentacje/login

On the autologout page it is the same - strange:
SCRIPT_NAME: /prezentacje/index.php
requestUri: /prezentacje/login

Sorry, iā€™ve been diverted to something else the last few days.

I think iā€™ve traced the problem to /lib/Middleware/WebAuthentication.php L#105

Can you change that line to:

$app->flash('priorRoute', $app->request()->getRootUri() . $app->request()->getResourceUri());

Will this also address this?

That is already fixed in RC2

I have made the change and so far it works correctly on Chrome and Edge :slight_smile:
I will change the autologout time to a production setting and test it again but it seems that the change you suggested fixed the problem.


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