1.8.1 Android and XMR


After a complicated but “successful” upgrade from 1.7.9 to 1.8.1 docker in other host machine, I’m facing an issue with an android player (MINIX X7).

I’ve remote upgraded it and I get every 5 minutes this:

11655	28-05-2017 08:48	Unable to start XMR queue: class java.lang.NullPointerException/null
11654	28-05-2017 08:48	XMR unresponsive, issue reconfigure.

Also, im getting tons of “Display is back online” notifications.

Thats for the MINIX X7.

I also have a brand new DSC9 and it says every 5 minutes:

11667	28-05-2017 08:58	Unable to start XMR queue: class java.lang.NullPointerException/Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int java.lang.String.lastIndexOf(int)' on a null object reference
11666	28-05-2017 08:58	XMR unresponsive, issue reconfigure.

A’ve already tryed in Edit display → advanced, to reconfigure XMR.

My display xmr setting is:

Dont know why i have to set up 2 times each local/public xmr server…

Thanks in advance!


Ok, I think I finally got it. At least, Xibo Players are no longer throwing errors about XMR.
I had to configure the XMR also on the Display Profile.

Now there are no errors, but cant send commands. Well, I can send, but nothing happens.

Im sending a Reboot command (reboot) but is not rebooting.

Also, I switched XMR Private Address to tcp://localhost:50001 but I dont really know if that is correct…

Maybe if the documentation were a little bit more clear…


Ok, another update.

The commands also need to be configured in the display profile, and I did it for the Android one (reboot).

But, now I get this error:

14834	f0648fc	29-05-2017 19:18	WEB	POST	ERROR		/displaygroup/14/action/command	Unable to Process Queue of Player actions due to 1 of 1 player actions failed
14833	f0648fc	29-05-2017 19:18	WEB	POST	ERROR		/displaygroup/14/action/command	Player action connection failed. E = XMR connection failed. Error = Failed to connect the ZMQ: Protocol not supported
14832	4846c51	29-05-2017 19:17	WEB	POST	ERROR		/displaygroup/14/action/command	Unable to Process Queue of Player actions due to 1 of 1 player actions failed
14831	4846c51	29-05-2017 19:17	WEB	POST	ERROR		/displaygroup/14/action/command	Player action connection failed. E = XMR connection failed. Error = Failed to connect the ZMQ: Protocol not supported

I see it says Display Group, but I dont have any display group configured…

What Im missing? I’ve also tried setting private xmr to localhost:9505 with same error.


Try creating a Display Group, even if you don’t use it. I remember something about a similar problem with the CMS just needing an entry so that it does not produce an error and prevent the rest of the script from processing.

Thx for your answer, but didnt work :frowning:

16085	923ddce	30-05-2017 09:02	WEB	POST	ERROR		/displaygroup/15/action/command	Unable to Process Queue of Player actions due to 1 of 1 player actions failed
16084	923ddce	30-05-2017 09:02	WEB	POST	ERROR		/displaygroup/15/action/command	Player action connection failed. E = XMR connection failed. Error = Failed to connect the ZMQ: Protocol not supported 

When I created the group and added the display to that group, it also log:

16059	8774904	30-05-2017 08:06	WEB	POST	ERROR		/displaygroup/15/display/assign	Unable to Process Queue of Player actions due to 1 of 1 player actions failed
16058	8774904	30-05-2017 08:06	WEB	POST	ERROR		/displaygroup/15/display/assign	Player action connection failed. E = XMR connection failed. Error = Failed to connect the ZMQ: Protocol not supported

On report fault page, does it say that ZeroMQ is installed and everything is fine?


Unable to Process Queue of Player actions due to 1 of 1 player actions failed

You can have a look here Embedded Youtube - but Muted - #122 by irate_techie and here What is the right way to configure XMR on CMS and Player? - #33 by aloverapp

Now regarding XMR, if it is the docker installation then all you should need to do is to set the public xmr address

so by default it would be
Private :

Public should be the DNS name or IP address that you access the CMS at (as the Player sees it)
tcp://name:9505 or tcp://ip.address:9505

Now, I have no idea why you have public/private x2 on CMS settings page, it would seem as the upgrade perhaps didn’t go that well (or it’s just browser cache), there should be also no need to set the xmr address in display profile - unless for some reason it should use different address than the global settings set on CMS settings page → Displays tab.

I’d say please try to set it as I mentioned, then troubleshoot it similar to the two linked topics.

Report Fault sais ZeroMQ is installed:

I’ve configured for private XMR this: tcp://xibo_cms-xmr_1:50001 but still getting the error.

This is from the XMR Docker:

root@63013a480536:/# telnet xibo_cms-xmr_1 50001
Connected to xibo_cms-xmr_1.
Escape character is '^]'.

But I keep recieving:

16360	9dfdfe6	30-05-2017 11:36	WEB	POST	ERROR		/displaygroup/14/action/command	Unable to Process Queue of Player actions due to 1 of 1 player actions failed
16359	9dfdfe6	30-05-2017 11:36	WEB	POST	ERROR		/displaygroup/14/action/command	Player action connection failed. E = XMR connection failed. Error = Failed to connect the ZMQ: Protocol not supported

Anything more that I can do?

Forgot to mention. The XMR seems to be OK on the player side as it says is connected to xmds and xmr on the correct ip.

Your XMR public address needs to be accessible to the Players.

So you want something like tcp://ip address:9505 or tcp://server.domain.com:9505

Where ip address or server.domain.com are the IP address or fully qualified domain name of your server.

XMR private address should be tcp://cms-xmr:50001. Only the CMS needs to connect to that address.

You only need to set that in the CMS Settings page. The value in the Display Settings Profile overrides that and is designed only where you have a need to address the CMS differently between Players - for example where some are on an internal LAN and some are on the public internet.

Seems I didnt explained well.

Player to XMR -> OK (Public address, reachable from players, is tcp://

CMS to XMR -> NOT OK. Private address is tcp://xibo_cms-xmr_1:50001

As you can see, I can “telnet connect” from web docker to xmr docker using " telnet xibo_cms-xmr_1 50001"

I miswrite in my last post, where I say: “This is from the XMR Docker:” I mean web docker.

The correct address to use is


If you continue to then get that error, it could be that your Player’s XMR key is invalid. For each Display, edit the display in the CMS, go to the Advanced tab and tick the “Reconfigure XMR” box. Then save.

Then allow time for the Player to connect to the CMS and upload it’s public keys. That will happen in around 1 or 2 times your collection interval.

Then XMR should start working.

Ensure you don’t have any settings for XMR in the Display settings profile.

If I un-setup the XMR address in the Display Profile, I start getting this:

21851	30-05-2017 15:59	Unable to start XMR queue: class java.lang.NullPointerException/null
21850	30-05-2017 15:59	XMR unresponsive, issue reconfigure.
21744	30-05-2017 15:54	Unable to start XMR queue: class java.lang.NullPointerException/null
21743	30-05-2017 15:54	XMR unresponsive, issue reconfigure.

And, of course, dont work. I’ve reconfigured XMR in Display->Edit->Advanced

I’m starting to thing that something screwed up in the Upgrade.

Whats the best way to make a new installation without losing the work in the actual layouts and uploaded videos?


If removing it from the Display Settings profile makes a difference, then the value in the CMS settings must be subtly wrong. Please remove it completely, and re-type it, ensuring there are no leading or trailing spaces.

I’ve retyped like a thousand times. In fact, the address I set in Display Settings profile is a copy&paste from the CMS Settings.

Anyways, im doing a fresh install and Im facing that there is no Private XMR address in the new and fresh install (docker), only can set up public.

Is that correct?


Yes that’s correct. On a native install it’s managed for you since we know it will always be exactly tcp://cms-xmr:50001

The errors you list above are from your Players, not from the CMS, so I don’t believe that the private address setting is your problem. Much more likely to be the connection from the Players to XMR.

What do they show on the Player status screens?

Ok. I’ve checked and XMR now seems to be working without issues.

Now Im uploading arround 10Gb of videos as upgrade procedure didnt work well, and I tried like 4-5 times always with issues.

Thanks to all for your answers!

Didnt saw you question. Before making a fresh install, in the player status screen were showing as connected without errors. Only if the Public XMR are setup in the profile. I think that in the upgrade, something were wrong as I had 2 fields for Public XMR and 2 fields for Private XMR and none of both were working as the players only connected when Public XMR were setup in the Display Profile.

Again, thanks for your answers.

That sounds like you somehow ran the upgrade twice then - as that’s the only way those fields would be duplicated - and yes then that’s likely to cause all kinds of issues.