1.7.6 R59 Updated Default Layout Not Showing Till Restarting Client

I have not come up with a solution, but I do think this is a duplicate of this. As we have noticed that if we leave the client running for sometime, say 1+ hours, it does finally show the content.

No worries, I was just a bit confused.

The date/time settings are correct, before and after the problem. The missing dependencies problem is instantly gone once you close and reopen the client. So maybe after the client downloads the dependencies the clients system is still unaware until some predefined amount of time for some sort of refresh?

I should mention that we are assigning a default android display setting, and update interval of 10 minutes to all displays we add to the system. So we are expecting the system to update the default layout within the very maximum amount of time, of 12 minutes.(The default layout is the only thing scheduled, and it is just 1 image of 226KB, so really is should be much sooner. Client internet connections are all 5MB+ down, servers upload bandwidth is not maxed and has 10MB+ Up.)