[09:49:47.402] [7706] [error]: [CollectionInterval] [HTTP] 429 Too Many Requests

Before completing please check that the time, date and timezone have been correctly set on the device running the Player.

To be completed by the original poster:

Player Version

Player version : 1.8 installed by snap in ubuntu
Server version : 3.2.0


The server works well with a player under windows, but I have an old display that does not support windows 10, so I tried with ubuntu and installation by snap. I have the following message appearing on the player (in the terminal): [09:49:47.402] [7706] [error]: [CollectionInterval] [HTTP] 429 Too Many Requests
The server is hosted by a private host (o2switch).
I tried looking on the server to change the request timeout, but I can’t find it.
Has anyone ever encountered and solved this problem?

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