Xibo version 2.0 videos

I’ve been trying to find a way for youtube videos to play using url but it seems that the only way to do that is by the ‘embeded’ widget which requires an html script. Is there any other way to do that ?
ps. I am currently trying to upload a video file of 1.22 GB but it has taken me more than an hour and it’s still on 50%. The upload process is really slow.

Any chance there is an easier and quicker way to display youtube videos in a campaign?

Thank You

Thanks for your message.

The correct way to embed a Youtube video (assuming you have permission from the video creator to do so) is to use the embedded widget as you’ve found. You can’t do it reliably any other way.

Video uploads are as fast as the connection between you and the CMS allows. The only way to speed that up is to improve either your local connection speed to the internet, or reduce the distance between you and the CMS.

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