Xibo version 1.2.2. Need help with RSS Feed ticker

We use the RSS feed from http://www.therta.com/category/news/feed/ to show our articles however we need to limit the amount showing to only 4 of them.

Here is the source that we are using =

<p style="text-align: center;">
	<strong><span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);"><span style="font-size: 28px;">[Title]</span></span><br />
	<span style="font-size: 18px;">[Date]<br />
	[Description] </span></strong></p>

Scroll speed = 50
Duration = 900
Update interval (mins) = 360

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you

In current Xibo version there is number of items/ items per page etc in ticker settings that you can adjust.

To be honest I don’t know if those settings were in 1.2.2 if I’d have to guess I’d say no (you’d probably notice them if they were there)

I’ve to say 1.2.2 is really really old version, we’d highly recommend upgrade to 1.7.8.

So the 900 duration is not the number setting you speak of?

The duration is the length of time the entire RSS feed will be shown on screen - i.e. 900 seconds for all items. As far as I recall (it was 5 years ago) 1.2.2 does not have any way to select a number of items from a feed. Of course this functionality is in the latest version, and perhaps even a few versions before that.

I think you are left with 2 choices:

  • use a third party tool to pre-parse your feed and select the items you want (something on this list perhaps: Of course this functionality is in the latest version, and perhaps even a few versions before that.)
  • upgrade Xibo to a version that supports selecting N items from a feed (1.7.8 would be a good choice)