Xibo on a Non Smart TV

I have a non smart (dump) tv in my waiting room for the patients.
I don’t have the option for a desktop under the tv
I want to project a lot of HD videos on the tv via digital signage software.
The easy way was via media player,usb stick and done!
But I want some scheduling and addons!
So Xibo!
What hardware is needed to make my dump tv a smart tv and compatible with Xibo?
Which hardware characteristics are necessary for a smooth Xibo function?
What operating system is the most desirable for the tv
Where my videos/images will be stored? Is it possible on an external HDD or USB flash?
Do I have to setup a local server?Which operating system?
Is it possible to control everything from an android tablet or an iphone?
Many questions…
Thank you in advance!

hi pinacolada,

You can convert any TV with HDMI input into smart tv. You need to use intel compute stick/similar hdmi media player with either android or windows OS. I have tried and tested xibo on windows 10. Works like charm. We have more than 100 sticks running. You can increase your storage with micro sd card. Also you can have one server for cms setup in your lan and connect the xibo client to that lan server. you can open your cms in any device and update the device.


Hi Pinacolada,

i explain you our Digital-Signage-System, so i hope it helps you:

Display/TV: LG 32LH604V

The Display ist now connectet via HDMI to an ordinary Office PC, because its out test-Environment.
The PC has 16GB Ram and an i3 CPU, but it would be replaced in the next time with a Intel Compute Stick M3.

After the Replacement and some Tests, i go life wite the System in our Building.

The “Server” where the CMS is running is a Win 7 Maschine with 4 GB Ram and a Xampp as Web/DB- Server.
It is a “virtuell Maschine” in our VMware-Environment.

For our needs, it runs very good.

Your Questions:

You control the CMS from every Webbrowser you want. Internet Explorer, Firefox , Opera a.so

The Videos/Pics a stored on the “xibo-library” on the “Server”. if you want, you can use an externel HDD for that.
Also the Videos/pics are stored in the “Client-PC” mostly in your User-Profile so the Playersoft have access to the files.

I hope i can help
Greetings Torsten

If it’s for only one (or a very small number) of displays, instead of setting up your client & server hardware, maybe consider using a hosted solution and a pre-configured Android client.

Here are some links.