Xibo for Android White Label Administration

Android White Label’s are managed from the Customer Portal My Products page.

Click on the card to redirect you to your Android White Label page, here you will see cards for each Android White Label you own.

Click on the card to show action buttons to Configure , Build and Download as shown below:

First Build

Immediately after purchase your requested White Label will be available on the My Products page so that you can provide your branded resources needed to make the build.

Click on Configure and provide the following information for your required branding:

General tab

  • Provide your application name.
  • Enter ‘About text’.
  • Complete an email address to be sent a notification when the build is complete.
  • Select the version you wish to use for your white label application.

Resources tab

  • Upload a splash screen image in PNG format (we recommend 1080p with a small file size).
  • Upload an icon image in PNG format (We recommend 200px by 200px).

Once complete, Save .


Once you have provided your configuration, click on the Build button:


Once the build is complete an email notification will be sent to the address that was entered in the ‘Notify when built’ field, and is ready to be downloaded.

Changing a Build

Updates can be made to your White Label after the first build with the exception of changing the Application Name. (This will have a grey background on the Configure form as this name is locked from the first build).

If you require a change to the Application Name of your White Label then you will need to purchase a new White Label from the Shop

Getting an updated version

As Xibo Signage release new versions of the Xibo for Android software it is recommended that White Label builds are also updated to take advantage of new features and bug fixes.

All White Label builds set to “Latest” version, are updated to the latest revision on release day and should be made available to download. If you have set a specific version, you will need to manually choose the new release, and run the build.

Player Licensing

Each Android Player you wish to White Label will require a Xibo for Android licence. Please read see the following page for full information: Licensing your commercial Xibo Player.

If you are using a DSCS9 Player please use the following guide to take you through the steps to remove the pre-installed Player: Install a White Label or a different Player version on a DSCS9.