Xibo doesn't follow coordinates rules on startup

Hi, running xibo CMS 4.0.15
and 2 instances of xibo R403 windows client on win server 2019 for triple screens setup here 2 is being used for xibo…

Now for strange reason, upon reboot, xibo doesn’t follow the coordinates i set on CMS.
Only after closing the client app, and have watchdog restart the app by itself then it works properly.
It happens only during reboot so i’m puzzled, and the error seems to be random, e.g xibo1 on monitor 2 today, the next day could be the other way around.
The machine needs to be rebooted daily cause it’s pxe based and without reboot it would pile up the writeback file on server (but this should have nothing to do with xibo since xibo is server-client based)

any thoughts?