XIbo CMS display issue on internet explorer

Dear community,

First, thanks for developing Xibo, it is a great software !

I have just installed Xibo Clients on 2 big LCD screens that will be placed in a shopping mall.
I have configured them from my computer (windows 8.1) using Mozilla Firefox.

Today I had to explain my client how to use it and when we tried to connect to the CMS using his browser, we could log on to it but CMS display was very strange… We could not see the different media uploaded, the displays that I had created, … Nothing worked…
Then I tried from my computer, it worked on Mozilla but I had the same problem with IE…

Please can you help ?

Thanks in advance for your reply,

All the best


Make sure you’re using a fully qualified domain name when using Internet Explorer - eg http://server.domain.com/xibo

Internet Explorer treats webpages on local servers as Intranet zone and that breaks lots of things to do with Javascript. So if you’re access it via http://server/xibo or or http://localhost/xibo then chances are it won’t work in Internet Explorer.

Also make sure you’re using at least IE10 but ideally IE11. If you’re both on Windows 8.1 then you almost certainly are anyway.

Ok great, thanks for your answer, I will check that tomorrow morning.
All the best

UNfortunately my client is on IE 8… And even when typing “http” the pages do not display correctly… Is it normal ? Do you have any trick to solve this ?

Thanks a lot !


IE8 isn’t supported so it won’t work at all.

IE8 has been unsupported by Microsoft for some time now. IE10 is the minimum required. Alternatively use Chrome or Firefox.