Xibo CMS 3.1.2 Released

We are pleased to announce the second patch for the 3.1 version of Xibo which addresses 29 issues. v3.1 is a feature update to v3.0, with improvements to the layout editing experience, Pixabay integration and lots of usability improvements. The codename for this version is “Holmes”.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://blog.xibo.org.uk/3-1-2-released/
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The link on the Github page Releases · xibosignage/xibo-cms · GitHub (https://blog.xibo.org.uk/3.1.2-released/) doesn’t work. The 3.1.2 has to be 3-1-2.

Thank you for posting, that has now been fixed!

An issue has been discovered in this release which can cause media files to be deleted from the CMS by the Tidy Library function (found on the Settings page of the CMS) even if they are in use. We strongly advise not using the Tidy Library function on the Settings page of the CMS until you have upgraded to version 3.1.3 or later. The Tidy Library button on the Media page of the CMS is unaffected.