What about playlist id?

i don’t understand the notion of playlist
playlist and scheddule isn’t the same thing ?
can a widget belonging to a layout that i didn’t scheddule have a playlist id ?
i’m so confused to ask this question but i don’t understand always what i’m reading


No, they are not the same thing.

Perhaps let me explain the Layout structure to you


Layout has regions which have playlists which then have widgets.

As such any layout that is valid (ie has at least one region with at least one widget) will have a playlistId as well.

The fact if it’s scheduled or not does not have any impact on that structure, when create an event on schedule page, it will get scheduleId and the event itself will contain information about the layout(or campaign) and the displays (or display group) to which it is scheduled.

The Playlists will be more, say “visible” in v2 release, as you will have a lot more option to manage them, re-use them across multiple layouts etc for now (1.8) it is as described above.

If anything isn’t clear please do let me know.

Thanks for your answer

Layout, région , widget i see them they are physical

Playlist i can’t

Can i have an example ?


in fact, i think i have understood.

as i’m new in xibo i don’t use the powerful of this app

until now when i create a region in a layout i only put a widget while you can put a various number of widget and the list of this items is a playlist


and thanks for your attention

you’re adding widgets into region playlist.
so each region, has a playlist and in the playlist there are widgets.
It might not be very “in your face” so to speak in current release.

In 2.0 release the playlists will be fully implemented and also be an item in the navigation menu and there will be a lot more options regarding them.

Perhaps if you could tell me what the problem is to what do you need playlistId and what seems to be a problem I might be able to explain it better for you.