Weather Fonrt issue

I have just added the weather widget to a layout in ver 2.03 and when I click “Get Forecast” in the settings I see this

urrent time 1559808898
Current summary اجواء غائمة
Current icon partly-cloudy-day
Current nearestStormDistance 36
Current nearestStormBearing 97
Current precipIntensity 0
Current precipProbability 0
Current temperature 14.63
Current apparentTemperature 14.63
Current dewPoint 8.72

The summary is in what looks like arabic.
Am I doing something wrong?
It isdoing this in the display to

Click on the Configuration tab of the Weather Widget and select the Units and Language you would like to use, using the dropdown menus:


Thanks for your quick reply @natasha I must remember to scroll down when using set up screens

I have submitted an issue with regards to the language default: