(v 2.2.1) I want multi-byte support in the validation of the number of input characters


For example, when the input character exceeds 50 bytes in the layout name, etc.
“Layout Name must be between 1 and 50 characters”

This may be a request rather than a report, but I would like multi-byte characters to be supported in the validation of input characters.

Thank you in advance.

Hi ken,

The limit is there because of the datatype we have on the MySQL column, which is a varchar column. A multi-byte character would take up more of those bytes in the database too.

We only have 50 bytes available, whether they are used via multibyte characters or not.

What sort of problem are you running into here? Can you give me an example that is too long?

Hi, Dan.
Thank you for your reply.

It looks like this:
・"【レイアウト構成】横・広告あり_テロップあり"(55 bytes)
The above is in Japanese, but it is like the following in English.
・"[Layout Configuration] Horizontal with advertisement _ with ticker"(66 bytes)

It’s a very long name. I realized that writing in English is long enough. haha
I use a more concise name.

It is a constraint derived from DB data type. I see.
Thank you for an answer.

Haha, yes it is a long name.

We keep the names of Layouts short because they are used in parts of the CMS that can’t fit a long time (lists, draggable items, etc).

You can use the description to elaborate on what the Layout is for if you want? You will have even more space then and can also use Markdown format to put in the text.

Hi, Dan.
Thank you for your comment.
Indeed, if the name is too long, it is difficult to display the item name.
Only recently did I realize the importance of descriptions.
Thank you for your continued support.

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