URLs are working from CMS but not from the client

Hello, would somebody please advise on that? URLS working well from the CMS (Preview Layout) but not working at all from the client

What kind of URL’s are you using (internal or external)?
Can your client reach the internet, or can they only access displays locally?

it is internal https://

Is there any solution for that?

Hi Rick,

It is all locally.


Is the content you’re trying to reach downloaded to the client, or are they all hosted on another server?
If so, can they ping/reach the device where the video’s are hosted?
Have you checked the firewall rules so you’re sure they can access the video you’ve supplied?

How can I download it ? It is all hosted on XIBO CMS

Have you got any update please?

and what if it was hosted in another server?

There is absolutely no reason to add new posts to ‘bump’ your topic every few minutes - please don’t do that - the edit button is there for a reason.

Can you give us an example of what you’re trying to achieve please?
Exported layout could help.

Screenshot of status window on your device also should help, as there probably are some errors there.

Sorry about that Peter. I’m trying to get URls to work from the client. This is an example of URLs I added to CMS

I did export the layout to the local library but still not working.

Does your link work on the browser of your client? do you use android or windows?

Hi Kammed, the line only works from CMS ( preview layout ) but not from the player. I have got Windows.

Did you try it directly from your windows client’s browser?