Upgrade Xibo 2.2.1 to 2.3.0

I am making my first attempt at migration with Xibo but still without success. Currently my version is 2.2.1 and runs on Ubuntu 18.04 within Apache.

According to the update manual and some topics I found here on the forum, the versions above 2.0.0 could be updated using the command:

vendor/bin/phinx migrate -c phinx.php

however, when executing the following message appears:

Phinx by CakePHP - https://phinx.org. 0.9.2

using config file ./phinx.php
using config parser php
using migration paths
warning no environment specified, defaulting to: production
using adapter mysql
using database xibo-cms

All Done. Took 0.1163s

I would like a help to know what is missing to do for the command to update my version.

/var/www/cms/vendor/bin/phinx migrate -c /var/www/cms/phinx.php

assuming your CMS is installed in /var/www/cms will run the migrations

I ran the command following the system path on my server:

/home/xibo/public_html/vendor/bin/phinx migrate -c /home/xibo/public_html/phinx.php

I received the same message from above:

root @ 1006-WEB: / # /home/xibo/public_html/vendor/bin/phinx migrate -c /home/xibo/public_html/phinx.php
Phinx by CakePHP - https://phinx.org. 0.9.2

using config file .homexibopublic_htmlphinx.php
using config parser php
using migration paths
warning no environment specified, defaulting to: production
using adapter mysql
using database xibo-cms

All Done. Took 0.4980s

My question is this, do I need to download the installation package for Linux and unzip somewhere and repeat the command, or does this command download the update and install it automatically?

All that command does it run the migrations that are part of the Xibo CMS install. It’s not like Docker where it downloads the files and the environment for you.

You’d need to download the 2.3.0 CMS and replace your existing CMS installation with the new version, persisting your library and the settings.php/settings-custom.php files before you try and run the migrations.

root@1006-WEB:/home/xibo/public_html# vendor/bin/phinx migrate -c phinx.php

bash: vendor/bin/phinx: Permission denied

At a guess your file system permissions prevent you executing that.

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