Unable to add a new Device - layout change failed exception raised was Default Layout

Dear Community,

First of all , thanks for taking the time to assist me in this issue , we’ve been trying to resolve this ourselves for several hours.

We’re running version 1.71

If we add a new display to our collection we cannot get it to display any layout that is working on our other displays.

I have read a lot of community posts but the solutions do not resolve the issue for us. We’re running an international Airport organisation with 25 displays in our collection at the moment;

We have tried to verify the modules inside CMS , checked the default Display settings etc…

Any advise would be appreciated !


It would be good to use 1.7.9 CMS and players.

Besides that, is the player local library correctly set and player can read/write to it?
Does the default layout set for this layout exist in the CMS?

from the looks of it, it somehow has no default layout set or the one that is set is invalid / does not exist.

Hi Peter,

Thanks for the reply

  • I have set an default layout on the display on the CMS

  • I’ll upgrade if i’m sure the issues are caused by version , but at the moment we would like to make sure there’s no issue with the xibo players and THEN plan an upgrade.

If anybody would be available to help me , that would be appreciated !

All other existing displays are still working fine?

Regarding that new display, I assume it does have unique hardware key ie it does have a separate record on the Displays page, I can’t tell from your screenshot, but is it reporting as logged in and up to date in CMS?

I don’t see column’s names in your screenshot, but at least of the displays has an empty row in I believe default layout column?

If it is logged in to the CMS, ie can communicate with it, you could enable auditing on that display to force it to send more logs to the CMS (Log page in CMS, that can be filtered by the display, adjusted time interval etc), perhaps that would tell us more.

You can also open schedule.xml file in the player’s library and see if that looks correct.