Ubuntu 20.04 LTS clean Docker Install doesn't ask for new admin password

To be completed by the original poster:

CMS Version

Specify the full CMS version you are using, including the revision number.

Installation Method

Docker or Custom install

Operating System

The operating system the CMS is installed on
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS


Please describe in detail the issue you are experiencing, including any errors shown in the Logs section of the CMS.
On startup - docker-compose up -d - I get these results.
Creating xibo_cms-db_1 … done
Creating xibo_cms-xmr_1 … done
Creating xibo_cms-quickchart_1 … done
Creating xibo_cms-web_1 … done

After a period of time, the CMS login page shows up. It never asks me to set a xibo_admin password. Is there a default in v2.3.9?

I am familiar with mysql commands to attempt a password reset; but, not in a Docker environment. Trying to run mysqladmin results in command not found, but can be installed with . . .

Provide screenshots where possible!

Never mind. Bonehead newbie error. I thought the change password screen was part of the installation. Looked at the Docker install on Linux page and found the default password


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