Ticker, show room free

I use this code but for exams, and way of modifying it to show a message when rooms free?

NOW() > dtMeetingStart AND NOW() < dtMeetingFinish

For example a exam runs from 09:00 till 10:00 and no exams for 1 hour and way to show a message simply saying ‘No Exams till 11:00’

You can either create a new row in your data set start 10 end 11 with message ‘No Exams till 11:00’

Which will work fine, but I don’t think it’s that good - you’ll probably have a lot of ‘free’ hours and different each day etc.

I’d go to ‘Edit ticker’ -> advanced tab -> at the bottom there is “A message to display when no data is returned from the source” -> so there you could write something like “Room is currently free” or something like that.

This way this message will appear when there is no data returned from the dataset, so each time the room is free that message should be displayed.

Thank you that worked great :slight_smile: