The xibo does not delete the media at the scheduled date and time

The xibo does not delete the media at the scheduled date and time, it even adds at the scheduled date and time, but does not delete it. I use Xibo 2.0.3. I appreciate if anyone can help.

Please check that you have XTR setup and running. If you did a Docker installation, then it should have been done for you, and you can just check the task status on the Tasks page of the CMS.

If you did a custom installation then you’ll need to ensure you’re regularly running XTR as the user your webserver runs as - as is set out in the manual.

Thanks for the help. My installation is Xibo-cms-2.0.3 for php + mysql + linux.
I haven’t found where the XTR setup is. But what I did was change the date format from Y-m-d H: i to d-m-Y H: i,
and to my surprise the shedule programming is working. So far it’s ok.

XTR is absolutely required to be running in order for the CMS to work properly. Please ensure you get it set up.

Alex, when I put only images, the schedule works, includes and excludes it on the scheduled date, but when I add a programmed playlist, it doesn’t work. Do you mean that in addition to installing Xibo in PHP I must configure a Cron service to perform routine Xibo tasks? ie to schedule will only work with this configured Cron?

The CMS requires that XTR is configured to run regularly for all kinds of background tasks. You must ensure it is run regularly as whatever user your webserver runs as.

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