Synology DSM6+ - Xibo Docker 1.8+ Installation


Glad to hear you were able to get it working!

Thank you for the feed back and catching my mistake. I have made the change to the guide.

Thanks again. :grinning:

Hello, cslaughter,

thank you for your very useful guide. I’m trying to get this setup running using

  • DiskStation DS412+
  • DSM 6.1.2-15132
  • Docker 1.11.2-0329
  • mySQL 5.6.36
  • Xibo Signage 1.8.1

However, I experience problems starting up the mySQL-database:

Initializing database
2017-06-27 09:17:24 0 [Warning] TIMESTAMP with implicit DEFAULT value is deprecated. Please use --explicit_defaults_for_timestamp server option (see documentation for more details).
2017-06-27 09:17:24 0 [Note] Ignoring --secure-file-priv value as server is running with --bootstrap.
2017-06-27 09:17:24 0 [Note] /usr/sbin/mysqld (mysqld 5.6.36) starting as process 35 …
2017-06-27 09:17:24 35 [Warning] Can’t create test file /var/lib/mysql/cms-db.lower-test
2017-06-27 09:17:24 35 [Warning] Can’t create test file /var/lib/mysql/cms-db.lower-test
a/usr/sbin/mysqld: Can’t change dir to ‘/var/lib/mysql/’ (Errcode: 13 - Permission denied)
2017-06-27 09:17:24 35 [ERROR] Aborting
2017-06-27 09:17:24 35 [Note] Binlog end
2017-06-27 09:17:24 35 [Note] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Shutdown complete

Any ideas on this? Any hint would be helpful, as I’m totally new to docker… The directories certainly exist (I named it ‘database’ instead of ‘datbase’ as in your guide - a typo?)

Thanks in advance,


The “datbase” is a typo. Thank you for bring that to my attention. I would fix it, but for some reason I cannot edit the post anymore (@Peter ??)

Are you completely removing the “cms-db” between each failed attempt at setting this up? If not, then that will cause problems and the setup will not get completed. When the “cms-db” runs the first time, it creates the database and user access based on the given variables. If they are not correct, the only way to fix that is to destroy the “cms-db” docker container and then recreate it. It took me a while to get it correct. I think the biggest mistake that can be made when following the guide, is starting the “cms-db” before all the variables configured.

I looked at that error a bit closer and it looks like a permissions issue

2017-06-27 09:17:24 35 [Warning] Can’t create test file /var/lib/mysql/cms-db.lower-test
2017-06-27 09:17:24 35 [Warning] Can’t create test file /var/lib/mysql/cms-db.lower-test
a/usr/sbin/mysqld: Can’t change dir to ‘/var/lib/mysql/’ (Errcode: 13 - Permission denied)

When you created the folders on the Synology box, does the SYSTEM have full control permissions? Mine show my user, and for some reason, that http has read/write access. Not sure that should be. When I get some free time…(not sure when that would be) I might try shutting everything down, remove the http and try firing it backup.

@cslaughter I’m not sure why you can’t edit it to be honest :confused:

In any case I’ve corrected this typo (it occurred 2 times in the original post I believe).


I’ve set up the whole DSM from the scratch, now it works!!! Thank you very, very much for your efforts!

The problem, I assume, was that I had a native instance of MariaDB installed prior on the DSM. It was disabled, but its configuration should have caused the trouble… :disappointed_relieved:

However, thank you very much! :kissing_smiling_eyes:

Regards, tajbender

A note on updating your 1.8.X installation

The way to update the Containers on the Synology is not like the upgrade instructions. (I was hoping for something easier, if someone can see a better way, please let me know)

Here is the short version of what to do. I will expand on it, I am sure at some point.

First note that you will need to make sure you have a working backup, as suggested in the upgrade instructions. If you followed my guide, you should look here for the files: /volume1/web/xibo-docker/web/backup.

Also note that DSM6 has some quarks. One of them is that even if you disable a container, you cannot setup a new container with the same ports. So what this means is that when you are ready to shutdown the old container and bring up the new one, we need to change, or delete the old container first.(I prefer change as a fail-safe)

You will want to go to the Docker registry and downloadxibosingage/xibo-cms:latest.

One that is download you will need to configure it using all of the same settings as the previous container. The guide above has them, IF you used those to begin with. Remember that you will need to shutdown the previous CMS container, and then change the ports on it’s settings, before configuring the new container. I also recommend changing the name to xxxx.old and then name the new container what the old one was named.

Once that is done, fire it up and wait a few mins before trying to access the portal. Then it will probably have an upgrade wizard, click next, or what not. It should succeed. Now you should be up to date.


is there anyone who can make a youtube Install-Video with the newest xibo version on Synology??
I think thats very difficult for an beginner!

Pictures and video say more than 1000 words.

best regards



Unfortunitaly I do not have the time, or a free Synology box at the moment to do a video. And honestly have never done a video.

I would be willing to answer questions, but I would suggest starting another thread.


I followed precisely the tutorial and everything went smoothly.
The problem is that when I connect to the xibo web interface, it asks me for a username and password that is not specified in your procedure.
Can you tell us the credentials or tell me how I can create them.


While I don’t have a synology box to go through the guide, I’d assume the default CMS login credentials will be the same as usual in Xibo docker installations ie

Username: Xibo_admin
Password: password

@Peter is correct. The username and password should be the default.

I am glad to hear that the guide worked well for you. Feedback is always welcomed.

I would add the the note to the end about the default username and password, but I still cannot edit the post anymore. Peter, a little help please.


Thank’s :wink:

I confirm that the default identifiers work’s

@cslaughter I’ve edited your post and added a note about default login credentials.

Hello cslaughter!
I have this same problem, I reinstall again the containers and I can’t fix it. I don’t have MariaDB. If it’s permissions problem I don’t know where to carry on looking for.



I tried the above installation many times allready on my DS218+, but I never get the mysql database running. It’s keeps restarting all the time. I plan to do a complete reinstall of the DS now. Which Synology packages I need to install minimal to run the above installation?

Does the System account have full access on the folders that needed to be created? I would scrap everything, meaning folders and containers and start fresh. I had to do that many times before I could everything to work correctly. Seems one little mistake renders everything useless.

When you say you don’t have MariaDB, I assume you mean installed under the standard packages of the Synology package manager. Either way it should not matter.

After starting fresh, if you still have an issue, can you please post some logging/error messages?

I believe you only need the stock packages plus docker. As for which could be removed, I do not know.

As for the problem with the DB container restarting over and over, try this

If you are seeing the cms-db container start and stop, I saw that when I did not have the environment variables correct. I would delete your cms-db container, remove everything from the database folder, stop the cms-web container. Then rebuild the cms-db container, then start it. Look at the cmd-db log in docker and see if you see the main database being created. If that looks good and it is staying up, then I would start the cms-web containter. Look at the cms-db log again and see if you see that Xibo configured somethings. If that all looks good, then try to access the cms. If you cannot, please post back with any errors and screen shots of the docker info pages for the cms-db and cms-web containers.

I hope that helps, if not then can you please tell me the exact version of DSM is installed?

Thank you very much for your replys,

I discovered that when I set the web map authorisation to read/write for everyone, everything works fine.But I think that is not very safe configuration. Any suggestions?

When you say “web map”, I am not sure what you are referring to. If you mean the folders that are set and mapped to under web directory, I would try SYSTEM - full access, http (user) - Read, http (Group), and then your username - full access. If for some reason Docker is running under a different user, than that user might need full access on the folders.

Thank you! The SYSTEM - full access works.