Synology DSM6+ - Xibo Docker 1.8+ Installation

A note on updating your 1.8.X installation

The way to update the Containers on the Synology is not like the upgrade instructions. (I was hoping for something easier, if someone can see a better way, please let me know)

Here is the short version of what to do. I will expand on it, I am sure at some point.

First note that you will need to make sure you have a working backup, as suggested in the upgrade instructions. If you followed my guide, you should look here for the files: /volume1/web/xibo-docker/web/backup.

Also note that DSM6 has some quarks. One of them is that even if you disable a container, you cannot setup a new container with the same ports. So what this means is that when you are ready to shutdown the old container and bring up the new one, we need to change, or delete the old container first.(I prefer change as a fail-safe)

You will want to go to the Docker registry and downloadxibosingage/xibo-cms:latest.

One that is download you will need to configure it using all of the same settings as the previous container. The guide above has them, IF you used those to begin with. Remember that you will need to shutdown the previous CMS container, and then change the ports on it’s settings, before configuring the new container. I also recommend changing the name to xxxx.old and then name the new container what the old one was named.

Once that is done, fire it up and wait a few mins before trying to access the portal. Then it will probably have an upgrade wizard, click next, or what not. It should succeed. Now you should be up to date.