whether it is possible in dataset in formula field take the information (start time and end time) from the Task Scheduler?
like this
col1 - string record col2-start time formula (take start time from schedule) col3-start time formula (take start time from schedule)
Basically you want to have the event information for the event that caused the layout to play on the player - and then use that information in the DataSet.
That is a great idea, but sorry, not possible.
in sql base in schedule sheet be 2 colum FromDT and ToDT.
i try in dataset in formula window type like this "Select FromDT From database.schedule where DisplayGroupIDs=15"
but this does not work
in sql shell i make select like this and take time from schedule.
select from_unixtime(fromdt,ā%H %iā) from schedule where ((displaygroupids=15) and (unix_timestamp(curtime()) - fromdt)<0);
but if i put this in formula cell select dont work.
however if i simple select like select unix_timestamp(curtime()) i have result