Rest API error if try to add more than 200 MediaList to a Layout

Using Rest API with LayoutRegionMediaAdd function.
My Parameters are;

If medias less than 200, it took 2minutes but it finishes operation. But if I try to send 500 files it waits about 4-5 minutes and responses with an error:

Using 1.7.1 CMS The error is : b>37 11301.00205343632Module->SetMediaInformation( )…\module.class.php:121
Using 1.7.3 CMS The error is : le.php:37 11299.99905734744Module->SetMediaInformation( )…\module.class.php:121

That’s probably pushing both the design of Xibo layouts and hence the API code to fairly extreme limits. Can you split your content over multiple layouts?

I will try to send data part by part same layout.
Now I have another and bigger problem with my cms 1.7.0 The problem accurs when you try to use LayoutRegionMediaAdd method, it returns (in debug mode) :

Catchable fatal error: Argument 1 passed to video::__construct() must be an instance of database, null given, called in C:\xampp\htdocs\xibo\lib\data\ on line 1050 and defined in C:\xampp\htdocs\xibo\modules\video.module.php on line 27

this happens on 1.7.0 server, I think this could be fixed in 1.7.3. But afraid from upgrading, because all my clients (about 100) using 1.7.0. windows. Would be a problem if I use 1.7.3 server with 1.7.0 Windows client ? Or a solution for the problem above?

It should be OK just upgrading the CMS initially but there are serious problems with memory handling in 1.7.0 Player so you’d be well advised to upgrade those at the soonest opportunity