Remote dataset setting data root


I’m trying to get data from an external API source. I cannot find the correct data root. ( msg or data does not work, error: “No data found at the DataRoot msg”)
When I perform a data test with no data root, the result is:

“entries”: [
“msg”: “You reach the Watchful API V1”,
“error”: false,
“status”: 200
“number”: 1,
“processed”: [
“siteid”: “msg”,
“name”: “You reach the Watchful API V1”
“siteid”: “error”,
“name”: “”
“siteid”: “status”,
“name”: “200”
“messages”: [
“Processing 1 results into 4 potential columns”,
"Processing Result with Data Root ",
“DataRoot is an object”,
“Processing as Multiple Rows”,
“Processing msg”,
“Processing error”,
“Processing status”,
“Consolidating entries”,
“There are 3 entries in total”

The response Body according the supplier is :

“msg”: {
“data”: [
“siteid”: 47796,
“name”: “xxxxx”,
“access_url”: “”,
“notes”: null,
“admin_url”: “”,
“j_version”: “3.9.23”,
“new_j_version”: “3.10.0”,
“w_version”: “1.12.2”,
“ip”: “”,
“jUpdate”: 1,
“published”: 1,
“word_check”: “”,

Found out the data root should be:


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