Regarding Scripting Content Management

I want to set-up automatic video & image upload in CMS for layouts. And I was following the below URL, please let me know whether I have create for each layout. And also where do I have to perform the below mentioned actions at CMS server or at each client side.

The script is an example - showing you how to interact with the API as it stands. It’s not designed to be a finished product which you just use. It will need to be adapted to your environment.

You can run it anywhere that can see your CMS server. It could be on the server itself or on a workstation - it’s up to you.

When I running to authorize the API user/access getting this error,
“Traceback (most recent call last):
File “D:\ScriptsXibo\”, line 12, in api = XiboAPI.XiboAPI()
File “D:\ScriptsXibo\”, line 69, in __init__user_token, user_secret = self.setupUserToken(url,consumer_key,consumer_secret)
File “D:\ScriptsXibo\”, line 99, in setupUserToken
raise Exception(“Invalid response %s.” % resp[‘status’])
Exception: Invalid response 404.”

Please help me fix this issue. I have generated the consumer_key & consumer_secret replaced it in default.cfg file.

Error 404 means “File not found” - as it does in a web browser.

So I’d guess you haven’t configured the URL of your webserver in defaults.cfg properly. It should be the same address as you would use to configure a Xibo Player - eg