Primitive JSon 300 non valide

Bonjour à tous,
Watchdog affiche toujours ce genre de message Primitive JSon 300 non valide, parfois “60” pour d’autres afficheur, j’utilise la version R202 sur windows 10.
Cela dit tout fonctionne parfaitement, mais j’ai peur que ça puisse causer des problemes dans le futur.

The issue you report is logged as a bug already here:

It’s fixed in the 25x Player versions. Assuming you test your content with that newer generation Player, then upgrading to that should resolve it.

Thank you very much , il will try with this version

There’s a pre-release of 2R203 here if you want to try that:

That doesn’t have the advanced features of the 2R25x Players, but should fix the issue you had and will work on Windows 7 too.

The link is valid for 3 days.

thank you very much i will try it

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