After rolling out close to 40 players with Xibo at the start of the year, I’m wondering if there is any possibility consider implementing remote configuration of players without the need to enter settings manually with Mouse / Keyboard etc.
This would allow many players to be connected to the network at once (with Xibo app installed), and then mass configure/deploy using something like the below:
Xibo app has a basic web server to allow remote configuration and diagnostics (e.g. current layout) from the local network. This might allow you to remotely access the player and change settings when the app is freshly installed and also upload config files that have all the server details pre-configured.
This webserver could be disabled by choice for those who are concerned about security.
The web interface might also allow updates of the app itself to be uploaded and installed (not sure if this is possible on Android?).
Player might ‘Broadcast’ it’s details using UDP so an App could be made to discover all the devices on the network quickly and send config to unconfigured players.
Ideally, most of these features could exist as part of the CMS.
For example, device discovery and initial setup of an unconfigured player. These would all be HUGE timesavers when deploying multiple displays.
Almost all configuration is already pushed from the CMS.
The only details you need to enter are the CMS URL and key, and potentially a storage location.
If you have an Android or Windows white label build with Spring Signage, we can bake the CMS URL and key in to the installer for you on request, so you then only need to install the Player and it will appear in the CMS. The rest of the configuration can be done from the CMS.
Alternatively, if it’s on Windows, you can write an XML configuration file for the CMS settings yourself, and the Player will automatically register when it’s first started.
You would need to purchase your white label build first. Once you’ve done so, you can email to arrange integrating the key and URL
So just confirming there is no way to quickly configure Android players without a white label solution? I.e. Must plug in keyboard and mouse and set up this manually?
Can the address be changed in the white label to cater for a change in CMS address between installations (e.g. if we got our company branded app)?
Or would we need to purchase a new white label for each installation / CMS we set up?
You’d only need a mouse plugged in, and you’d have that plugged in anyway to install the APK. You then only need to enter the CMS URL and Key. Everything else is pushed from the CMS.
The CMS details are baked in to the Player APK if you choose to do it with a white label, so it can’t easily be changed per installation I’m afraid.
Xibo stores it’s configuration somewhere, you can flesh this location out and with root access you can write a script that uses adb and modifies this information for you.