Not aible to register a display

I cannot register new displays.

The display software, windows, doesnot show a mouse after entering i. Cannot use pc for other things. I use the machine for editing and testing.

Thank you for your message and sorry to hear you are having trouble registering your Displays on Windows.

Can you give me some information about this issue, for example how are you setting up your Players? After you install the Xibo Player, you have entered the CMS URL and Key into the Xibo Player Options application? When you click Save, what message do you see? Is the Player showing in the Displays option in your CMS? If yes, what status does it have?

You also mentioned that you cannot use the PC for other things. Is this because you are unable to close the Xibo Player? If you can provide moire information about this, it would help to understand your issue. If you are indeed having trouble closing the Player, you can do this using a keyboard and following the below instructions:

  • Hold the Alt button on your keyboard and click the Tab button until the Xibo Player is highlighted. Let go of Alt when you have done this.
  • Hold the Alt button again and this time click F4. This should close the Player.
  • You will now need to repeat these steps for the Xibo Watchdog. If you do not close the Xibo Watchdog, the Player will open again after a short time.

There are a number of different ways to close the Player so if you are struggling with this way, try holding Ctrl and click Esc to reveal the Task bar. You can then right click on the Xibo Player tile and close it that way. You can then close the Watchdog in Task Manager.

Many Thanks.

There is a XMDS error

Thank you for the screenshot of the error stating that the Display is not licensed. If you log into your CMS, select the Displays option. Is there a tick or a cross in the Authorised column for that Display? If it is a cross, please click the button at the end of the Display entry and choose Authorise from the menu. Select yes to confirm .

If the Display is in fact already showing as authorised in your CMS, please let me know.

Many Thanks.

There no displays shown at all.

XTR is running.

XMR is questionable.
config.json is cryptic. your_IP which one???

[root@server3 httpsdocs]# cat vendor/bin/config.json
“listenOn”: “tcp://localhost:50001”,
“pubOn”: [“tcp://”],
“debug”: false
DNS can resolve.

In the dashboard the private used port 5555, but is set to 50001.

Manual is not up to date. Missing updating 2.x to 2.x+1. I used cp -fR but I must confirm every file.(as root). To much 1.8 must be update for v2.
Add better examples.

Files and directories are owned by apache:apache. So updating via ftp does not work.

XMR is a PHAR (PHP archive) and can be run from any terminal by issuing php xmr.phar . It is a long-running application and will not terminate once started. It is recommended to run this as a service, you can find an example upstart conf file in vendor/xibosignage/xibo-xmr/bin/upstart .

[root@server3 bin]# php xmr.phar
[2019-06-26 19:03:10] xmr.ERROR: Failed to bind the ZMQ: No such device [] []
[2019-06-26 19:03:10] xmr.ERROR: #0 [internal function]: ZMQSocket->bind(‘tcp://localhost…’) #1 phar:///srv/www/vhosts/ call_user_func_array(Array, Array) #2 phar:///srv/www/vhosts/ React\ZMQ\SocketWrapper->__call(‘bind’, Array) #3 /srv/www/vhosts/ require(‘phar:///srv/www…’) #4 {main} [] []

Thanks for the information. The fact that you are not seeing an entry at all in the Displays option of your CMS is the first thing to investigate.

Please close the Xibo player and Watchdog on your device. Next open the Xibo Player Options application. this should open a window that looks like this:

Please send me a screenshot of the settings you have entered here in a private message. I will also need to know the key for your CMS so I can make sure it has been entered correctly. I will also need a screenshot of the Advanced tab from the Player options so we ca see the Display ID.

The final screenshot I will need will be when you click the Save button shown in the screenshot above. A message will appear above the save button, what does it say?

Many Thanks

How do I start a private message?

I have sent you a PM which you can reply to.

Many Thanks.

sorry address error:

We’re sorry, but your email message to [“”] (titled Re: [Xibo Community] [PM] Starting a PM for you to use) didn’t work.

None of the destination email addresses are recognized, or the Message-ID header in the email has been modified. Please make sure that you are sending to the correct email address provided by staff.

Still not working but I found a way to start XMR. Its is not where the manuals says.

How to make it a deamon is not clear. There is in the upstart an config but that tells nothing useful.

Further the manual start to become outdated.

There is still a matter with the display registration.

How do displays get this file?

Updated the cms and player. I now have the display registerd.

Problem is that not al files are download from the requiredFiles.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 1.htm 1.xlf 2.htm 10.otf 11.otf 12.ttf 13.ttf 14.otf

  #Not in the Xibo LIbray directory
<_files> 14.otf 12.ttf Chart.min.js 13.ttf 11.otf 1.xlf 1.htm 2.htm

Errors in the source path?