My campaign on show the first layout then misses all the rest

My campaign is set up to show 5 layouts. 2 layouts are long about 5 minutes the other 2 are 15 second adverts. The player only runs the first layout in a loop.

Can anyone help?

What CMS and player versions are you using please?

Is it windows or android player?

Are there 5 layouts added to campaign and that campaign scheduled in a single event to the player or is it different?

Are all layouts valid and displayed by the player when scheduled separately?

Thanks for the reply. CMS server side is Version 1.7.8.

The client side 1.7.(android)

I know I should update this but the host for this particular user does not have the workings to do what the new version requires. I don’t have any control over this users web host.

I was hoping the layout would run one after the other after the first one finished. on repeat.

All layouts work independently without errors.

EDIT: what i’ve done is change from campaign and created an event for each layout and give each event an order. 0,1,2 etc. I’m hoping this will play all event one after the other then repeat until unscheduled?

Yes, that’s technically the same what campaign does, but with campaign you have just one event on the Schedule page.

I do recall there was an issue with campaign not playing all layouts in older versions, it’s likely that you’ve just encountered that since you’re using older releases.