How does one go about having local video loop in a multi-region layout on a Windows Player Client? I have looked through the forums and found some information regarding the Android, but I did not seem to find anything for the Windows client. Any help and/or direction appreciated.
I should be pretty much the same as if you’d use ‘normal’ video module.
You can set the duration to 0 (CMS will detect video length), if it won’t be the longest duration on your layout then it should loop until your whole layout reloads.
However, I have the region that the local video module is in setup to a duration of 0 in the CMS per your suggestion and the region still goes blank after the video concludes. The video is a PowerPoint export (mp4) and is only about 45 seconds long.
Is there a setting on the client itself that may need to be looked at?
I just stuck a timer in the VideoPlayer class which monitors the position and the duration. Once those meet, I just set the video position back to 0. Now my video loops very nicely and there’s no need to add multiple videos to the region. Not sure why this feature is so hard to implement on windows, am I missing something?