I installed XIBO a couple of weeks ago, version 1.8.4 with apache. everything works very good but today I got red crosses on my layouts and some pictures. I thought it was a permission fault but no matter what I did it stayed the same. I decided to reinstall everything and went for 1.8.5, the latest release.
Up and running I authorize one test screen and started working with the default layout. If I make a preview I cant see anything but if I add it to the display It show the added text and slides.
I tried the preview layout feature in Chrome and IE with the same result.
Any help appreciated. We are running 5 screens live and now im in trouble.
I´ve added /web in sites-enabled and i can access the backend without problems. The only issue is to preview the design(layout) and that worked perfectly before. XMR is set to tcp://localhost:5555 as default. We only use Xibo on our internal network.
I do not write /web in the URL but I have /web fixed in apache to shorten the URL. I can access backend and everything is okay except preview of my layout, can the URL, XMR or XTR be the problem?
I did a complete reinstall and went for the docker solution and now im up and running. It´s very strange, i have many lamp servers running and never had problems before…but im bending to accept the docker solution now. Thanks for your help.