Is it possible to run xmr on a different host than cms?


Is it possible to run xmr on a different host than cms?

I currently run both on the same host.

(From the official documentation, I think it is possible within the local environment.)

If possible, which directory in the cms site directory should be placed in the host for xmr?
[/ vendor/xibosignage/xibo-xmr] ?

I am looking forward to your comments.

Yes you can run XMR on a different host. You’d need to copy the phar file and your configuration for it (or run it in a container).

You need to ensure that the XMR private port is accessible only from the host or hosts that are running your Xibo CMS instances (not from the general internet or network). The XMR public port should be accessible from your Player devices. You’ll need to install and configure a firewall to that end.

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