Importing JSON through API call throwing error

Im trying to import a json object, but sadly I am always getting the error "message":"Malformed JSON body, rows and uniqueKeys are required","code":422,"data":[].
My json object and the path are both confirmed to be correct since I tested with Postman beforehand.
My call in nodeJS with the request package looks like this{url: baseUrl + '/importjson/' + dataSetId, json: true, body: jsonFile, auth: {bearer: token}})
  .then(response => {
  .catch(errOnCall => reject(errOnCall));

I think the issue is within how I pass the jsonFile, but I could not find the right way.

Since I wanted to read the json from a json file. I had to read the file, turn it into a string and then parse it into JSON.

callImportJSON = function (dataSetId, jsonFile, token) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    validateParameters.validateFileExtension('.json', jsonFile)
        .then(() => {
              .then(jsonObject => {
                  url: baseUrl + '/importjson/' + dataSetId,
                  json: jsonObject,
                  auth: {bearer: token}
                    .then(response => {
                      logging.passToLog('Imported to data set ' + dataSetId, loggingFile);
                    .catch(errOnCall => reject(errOnCall));
        .catch(errOnExtensionsValidation => reject(errOnExtensionsValidation));
prepareImportJSON = function (file) {
  return new Promise((resolve) => {
    const readFile = fs.readFileSync(file);
    const readFileToJSON = JSON.parse(readFile.toString());