I want to change xibo language file (.mo)


I want to change xibo language.

I download the /var/www/cms/locale/default.pot and use ‘Poedit Program’.

I Convert .pot file to .po file and translate. and convert .po to .mo file.

upload .mo file to /var/www/cms/locale/ko.mo

when I connect to xibo cms site, popup the message that

‘Fatal Error - sorry this shouldn’t happen. ‘/var/www/cms/locale/ko.mo’ is not a readable file’

What can I do?

plz. help me.

We do all our translation over on Launchpad.

If you want to make a Korean translation, you can do so directly here:

Once you’ve made your changes, you can also download an mo file directly from there, to put on your CMS.


I forgot the command ‘chmod 644 ./ko.mo’.