How to use webhook in XIBO?

Trying to test and figure out webhooks in the latest XIBO CMS 3.0.0RC1 using XIBO windows player 3 R300.1.
Any chance of getting a sample template that demonstrates the function that would help greatly, as I couldnt locate anywhere how to trigger via touch/click or webhooks.

Have made a simple full screen video layout, and set the following actions when touch/click while video is played it should go to the play the Local video in the interactive draw below the layout but nothing happens when click on video on the windows player.

The second test was add the trigger type as webhook in the screenshot, not sure what the trigger code refers to, but tried “1”.
Have tested from the CMS to try to send the trigger code “1” to player nothing happens.

Tested from other LAN computer on browser (http://playerip:9696) blindy that but no luck.
Locally on player it does returns using only http://localhost:9696/info player data.
But how to call that webhook via the localhost or via another computer on the same network (lan)?
Is there a help doc for calling webhook allowed commands?

Actually getting an error via any lan computer while hitting the http://playerip:9696/info reports 403 - Forbidden

Exception type: EmbedIO.HttpException


If this error is completely unexpected to you, and you think you should not seeing this page, please contact the server administrator, informing them of the time this error occurred and the action(s) you performed that resulted in this error.

Disabled firewall on player still nothing but that’s really secondary to getting webhook to play a local video file.

Any help?

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