How to multiselect any item in 1.8 CMS?

After upgrade from 1.7.9 to 1.8 - I missed checkboxes of selecting any items. For example, in Display menu.
How can I select all of them?


You should be able to click anywhere in the display row to ‘select’ it (the row will change colour) so you can select multiple displays and then click ‘With Selected’ button to trigger action on all of them.

It is true. But how can I select all of them in one click? For example I need to delete 60 pictures from library or want to request screenshot from 100 displays. I need to click 100 times to rows? In 1.7.9 was a checkbox - select all.

Unfortunately you’re correct about it.

We will definitely consider adding those buttons and multi-select option on other pages as well, as this is quality of life improvement for sure.

Regarding media files in library, if they are not assigned to any layout you can clear them with ‘Library Tidy’ button.