How can we add IT server(FRSS Server) maintenance dashboards to xibo signage display

Good Morning Every one.

i am new to xibo display design, i tried the display with web page,video and text,it was greatly working.

Now, i want to add our IT server(FRSS server) maintenance server to display, to get dashboards which will show tickets and their present status on the display on the display(Xibo-client).

and one more question, can we add group messenger and schedule calendar to the display.

It would be great, if someone helps me with this one.

Thank you,
Srinivasa Kiran Gottapu

That really depends how FRSS exposes that information - I would imagine the easiest way would be via a webpage?

Thanks for the reply,It’s not displaying as a webpage, its’s an separate application.

Thank you
Srinivasa Kiran Gottapu

If it’s an application then Xibo won’t be able to display it. You would need FRSS server to expose a web page or an image or an RSS/XML feed or something that could be pulled in to the Xibo layout.