Hi there.
I’m not a newbie at Xibo anymore, but I still don’t know much about using API.
What I need to do is:
I need to create a HTML page in order to show the location of the rooms in our public Health Center.
BUT I want to use datasets for that. I use datasets already. But since I’ve create my own animated html page, I just want some code so I can include dataset content inside a DIV or something like that in HTML code.
For example, in Xibo:
Room 2 - Doctor Santos
I want to display content from first column (Room 2) in the first DIV tag. Doctor Santos in the second DIV tag.
All I want is an example on how I can use Xibo for that.
Our Xibo is hosted at xibo.novohamburgo.rs.gov.br Yes. I work for the government.