HeartBeatEvent: XMR unresponsive, issue reconfigure. Last HeartBeat:

Hi All !

We have issue with XMR.
When we start a player everything works great but after few moment from 2hours to 2 days the player lost the XMR connexion.
So at a moment we can have all players are ok and 2 hours later Few players start to log like this :

PLAYER|POST|ERROR|CU2101-00010-1|XFA:DisplayManager|HeartBeatEvent: XMR unresponsive, issue reconfigure. Last HeartBeat: 21 heures, 6 minutes, 59 secondes et 935 millisecondes|

PLAYER|POST|ERROR|CU2101-00009-1|XFA:DisplayManager|HeartBeatEvent: XMR unresponsive, issue reconfigure. Last HeartBeat: 2 heures, 51 minutes, 10 secondes et 669 millisecondes|

The players still works if we send layouts but we need to wait the next check.

On the server the XMR is Up and work for other players.

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