Google Maps does not appear

Hi there, I hope someone can help. I have added Google Maps to one Region and I can see it in my ‘Layout Design’, together with everything else. It shows traffic in the area I want, around my office.

However, it does not appear in my preview or on the actual screen. Those seconds it is supposed to come up I just have a blank region.

Is there something I am doing wrong?

What CMS and player versions are you using please?

Hi there.

Xibo: 1.7.9
Player: Android

(only just downloaded)

So there will be module for google maps in 1.8.

In current 1.7 series you do need to use embedded html module, please see this topic for reference - Adding a Traffic Map

Also remember to change the API key and lat lng in the script.

Script showed in that topic definitely works on both Windows and Android 1.7 series.

Hi Peter, yep!

That’s the very same topic I followed to add Google Maps to my region so all that has been done and it shows nicely in my ‘Layout Design’, like your example.

The issue I am having is that it doesn’t appear in my Preview window or when checking the actual screen in my depot.

Just tried everything again. API key, lag and lng.
It appears fine in my Layout page, but it only appear in my Preview page if I refresh it 2-3 times.
But then when checking the TV, it’s still blank…
Anything I could be doing wrong?

I’m not sure, could you show us a screenshot of status window on your android device please?

There is a ‘Status’ button on top action bar in Xibo for Android.

Perhaps there we will find something that will help us understand the issue.

Here it is. Anything odd?

I’ve replied to your support ticket, we will continue this discussion there.