Format date-field DataSets

Which is the format for a date-field in DataSets?

ISO 8601 standard: “2012-03-19T07:22Z”
Microsoft format: “/Date(1198908717056)/”

I had the microsoft format in my remote json-file, this didn’t work. So I suppose it will be ISO 8601 standard.

It uses the MySQL default datetime format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS

I’m trying with this json-file:

I’m getting the data, but DatumSort (Date) and GeneralActivityNo (Number) are not getting into the DataSet.
Json path is ok for these fields. I have a demo-account :

It should work if the date format is correct (as Alex mentioned).

You could have a string column to which you will import the remote data with whatever format you like.

Alternatively you can have a formula column that would format the date as you want taking the date value from other column.

Number, assuming that the column is set to Number dataType, then it should work fine.