I need your help! I created a dataset with 5 columns:
In the columns Start and End I need only to enter the time but because of date format I have to insert the date to. So now the problem is that i need to filter only the time because I want to output the 4 texts when the current time is between “Start” and “Ende”. With the NOW() > Start AND NOW() < Ende its only possible to check date and time together.
Has anyone an idea? It would be very nice!
Thanks in advance!
The Start and Ende colums are in String Format and with YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
When I use NOW() > Start AND NOW() < Ende in the filter it works but with TIME() > Start AND TIME() < Ende it did not work. I need this because i want to display a timetable for a busline and the times are everyday the same. So i need only the current time to check to display the next bus time.