Fetch Remote DataSets task does not finish


When add more than one Remote DataSet the tasks execute but never ends. The status of the task in the task table is always 1.

MariaDB [xibo]> select name, status from task where taskId = 6;
| name                  | status |
| Fetch Remote DataSets |      1 |

It seems that one transaction is locked.

| Id   | User | db   | Command | Time | State                           | Info                       | Progress |
| 4000 | xibo | xibo | Sleep   |  723 |                                 | NULL                       |    0.000 |
| 4001 | xibo | xibo | Sleep   |  723 |                                 | NULL                       |    0.000 |
| 4002 | xibo | xibo | Sleep   |  723 |                                 | NULL                       |    0.000 |
| 4003 | xibo | xibo | Query   |  723 | Waiting for table metadata lock | TRUNCATE TABLE `dataset_9` |    0.000 |

If I kill the first and the second ones the task ends.

I’ve tried the next solution, that works, but I’m not sure about the fact of removing isolated call.


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