I’ve been testing xibo for a couple of weeks, but had a couple of major issues. On two occasions, I made a change to a layout, but the change would not apply. Refreshing or restarting my web browser lost any connection I had as an admin to a CMS, and I was unable to make a connection from another workstation. Both times I rebooted the workstation that holds the CMS, and I was able to reconnect to the web interface - however my data was not visible.
I’m familiar with the docker-compose stop / start commands, but these were not effective.
My questions are:
What might cause the issue with making a change to a layout loses my CMS connection? I’m using Edge as my admin browser, to a Win 10 64 bit docker install.
If that happens, what is the best approach for recovery? Should I stop Docker manually before rebooting?
If data is missing following a reboot and the docker-compose stop / start commands are ineffective, is there anything I should do other than attempt a recovery via a restore, or rebuild the CMS?
Thanks in advance.